Gourmet Scented Candles

Welcome to my business world of gourmet candles. I love burning scented candles as do most people. They offer a scent of familiar times, a sence of relaxation, and warmth. If you love candles you will love reading my blog.

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Location: Topeka, KS

Over 20 years in the direct selling industry doesn't make me an expert but I know that my experience shows leadership, skill and success.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fall Begins With A New Scent

New scents are in the air this season. You don't have to just burn apple, or apple cinnamon anymore. We are adding new scents every month like, Hazelnut Coffee, Black Liquorice, or Oranges and Clove. These are true holiday scents this fall so you will want to visit my sight at http://www.MyMiaBellaCandle.Scent-Team.com and click on the shop online tab and pick one up for you and a friend.

Why try another candle? Well if you value the air you breath and or suffer from allergies you will want to try our products. We offer a soot free, alternative to a paraffin candle. Our products are special, in that they offer a paraffin free burning candle that burns clean from top to bottom, plus the scents are amazingly real. I burnt name brand paraffin candles in our home for years before one day finding one of these jars. After purchasing about 6 I decided that I needed more. I saw the value, in that it saved me money month after month and they lasted longer than anything I had every burnt.
The scents were amazing and the coverage was HUGE. One jar scented an entire level of my home.

Don't take my word for it. Try it yourself. I have customer's coming back again and again amazed at how wonderful these candles perform. So try one for yourself. If you don't like it, than I loose a customer but love it like millions of others do and I might gain a whole lot of customer's because I know you will refer a friend and they will too.

If you have questions about our NEW scents coming this season, please email me you can contact me through my website http://www.GourmetCandles4Cash.com please NO Spam mail. This is a business and I need to pay attention to my customer's. Thank You for understanding.

Stephanie Blaker
Gourmet Candles 4 Cash
"Putting Our Scents to Work For You"