Gourmet Scented Candles

Welcome to my business world of gourmet candles. I love burning scented candles as do most people. They offer a scent of familiar times, a sence of relaxation, and warmth. If you love candles you will love reading my blog.

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Location: Topeka, KS

Over 20 years in the direct selling industry doesn't make me an expert but I know that my experience shows leadership, skill and success.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Networking Business Owners

To begin I wanted to share with you my business and some of the creative ways I have met some of the best people to share my business with.

Every second Saturday of every month I invite people that either have expressed an interest in my business, or those I think would be great business partners, and yes even those who express that they just can not seem to make ends meet, to a local luncheon to listen, meet people actively working a small business like mine or just seem to need a little guidance in what they are currently are doing.

By doing this I get to know some of the best people in my industry, recruit new sales reps and also share my love of my business.

The meetings last an hour to an hour and a half. I hold it in a public place since many people find this to be less evasive. I usually give them a personal invitation and call to make sure they can come. I remind them to leave there checkbooks at home since there is no buying or selling of any products at the meetings.

I usually have someone speak at the meeting offering a learning opportunity that is of value to the guests. They very in topic but are universal so that if I bring a guest who has a business and just can not seem to get a good start he or she can learn something and use it in their business.

Basically I am building a relationship with this person, and building that trust bond.

It is a known fact that people do business with those people that they know and trust. So the success lies in building relationships.

What ever you do DON"T try to sell them anything. NO PRODUCTS, NO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, and don't try to convince them to use you and your products. This will NOT work if you do.

I once had someone invite me to her home to buy my products and when I got there she was introducing me to a new business that she ran out of her home. I felt violated. I was brought to her home as a business guest to purchase and or learn about my products and instead of this happening she was inviting me there to sell hers. Better known as bait and switch. I can not tell you how horrible this was for me. I can not trust someone who from the onset misled me to do business with her.

So in conclusion, over the next few weeks I will be interviewing other small business owners and sharing there stories with you in hopes that you can get to know them better and use or refer them for your next purchase or project.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Stephanie Blaker

"The sky is falling?"

Everywhere I turn I hear people talking about the "sky falling" or the market tanking, and wondering if we are in a recession?

WHY? I think business is what you bring of it. If we are always to be worried about what the world is coming to then how do we enjoy life?

Owning a small home based business now for the past 14 years I have learned many things.

Don't stop building relationships with your customer's.
Building relationships with your customer's will keep them coming back to you. We all need to be needed and feel appreciated. Give this to your customer's and be sincere. Don't only call when you are looking for the sales.

Be giving and it will return to you. I have found that you are not going to change the minds of people. Let them come to you after you have given them your product to try. If they don't like it don't take it personal, they may refer you to someone else who is.

Don't worry about the competition or the larger companies like "Wal-Mart".
The giants will always be out there. Those who own a small business know that it is hard work, dedication, and devotion to what your love and passion is that will make you a winner in the end. Worrying about the "other guys" will only block your creativity that is needed to bring in new clients. Be happy about your passion, and most importantly keep dreaming!

Finally, Networking does work. Find other's out there who are just like you and you can help each other grow. I belong to a few networking groups where I choose to do business with. I listen to what they need or are looking for and we pass referrals. I recently started a new local group and will be devoting some of my blog time to learning more about them, there business and how I can help them. By doing this I hope that my readers my be able to find a small business owner that is someone they will feel comfortable in contacting them for themselves.

If you do not have a networking group in your area, you can search for one online or start your very own. If you need help doing this you can contact me and I will be happy to share a place to start looking.

Look for more on networking coming soon.
Stephanie Blaker