Gourmet Scented Candles

Welcome to my business world of gourmet candles. I love burning scented candles as do most people. They offer a scent of familiar times, a sence of relaxation, and warmth. If you love candles you will love reading my blog.

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Location: Topeka, KS

Over 20 years in the direct selling industry doesn't make me an expert but I know that my experience shows leadership, skill and success.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Candle business takes entrepreneurs by storm……

Mia Bella candle business takes entrepreneurs by storm..........

No one ever told me that being my own boss would be this much fun. Who would have thought I would be running my own candle business?

Have you got the passion to be successful? Maybe you are tired of no guarantee’s in life. What ever it is this candle business might just be what you are looking for.

I used to be just like you. Living paycheck to paycheck, not able to make ends meet, taking a second or thrid part-time job just to make my life and my family life better.

Our gourmet scented candles are made from all natural products right here in the USA. I felt that was important to me. For a small company I take pride that we pour our own products and ship them to US/Canada to independent distributors to sell and make a great profit. How much can you make you ask? That depends on you and how much work you do. But know that with just 6 to 10 hours a week you can earn more that you can at a $10 an hour job. In fact you can earn more like $75 an hour.

Who is joining our candle business? Men, women, young and old, there is no one criteria in this candle business. The point is anyone can run their own business and be successful. With the company’s commissions, car bonus program, as well as team building bonuses paid monthly you can make a lot of money with this candle business.

This candle business features gourmet scented candles, bath products and now mineral make up all made of natural ingredients. Gourmet scented candles account for about 2 billion dollars a year in sales alone. They offer comfort, relaxation and aromatherapy as well as décor fashions. 9 out of 10 people say they burn scented candles and perfer our all natural blend. So pop open a lid, put it under their nose and ask them if they would like to buy one of the best scented candles in the industry.

You will be making a great income in no time. If you want to learn more about what I can offer you as your sponsor in owning your own candle/makeup business visit my site and request a call. I will be happy to help you get started on the right track from day one.

For more information about the writer or the products in this post visit http://www.gourmetcandles4cash.com

Learn more about the company I represent

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