Gourmet Scented Candles

Welcome to my business world of gourmet candles. I love burning scented candles as do most people. They offer a scent of familiar times, a sence of relaxation, and warmth. If you love candles you will love reading my blog.

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Location: Topeka, KS

Over 20 years in the direct selling industry doesn't make me an expert but I know that my experience shows leadership, skill and success.

Friday, February 26, 2010

How to Energize your room

How to Energize your room to invite you, and release stress.

Here are just a few tips to help you get more out of your home and make it warm and inviting.

1) Hide the TV- allowing your technical world to be taken in and out will help you make better use of space, and time. We all fall to trap when the tv is on we sit and tune in, and in, and in.. Before you know it time has gotten away from us and we become stressed out and feel overwhelmed.

2) Rearrange - Rearranging your furniture and accessories is a great way to loose the drabs. Think of how you feel when you walk into a home where nothing ever changes. Now think about just rearranging the room or putting on a new coat of paint. How fresh that is and inviting.

3) Swap out old furniture - Spring is the best time to do this. Sales are everywhere. Look for traditional pieces, solid colors that are tried and true. Look for low back couches, or unique pieces like bucket chairs or rugs. Garage sales are great ways to pick up a hutch, paint and some trim and it is a whole new look.

4) Divvy up the chores, or hire in someone to help- when your home is in order so is your mind. I think you can just relax in a space without caos. Don't neglect trim, windows, and lampshades if dusty your room looks tired.

5) Lighting- soft light is wonderful, when I walk into a department store and bright florescent bulbs pierce my eyes, I get out... But if you use soft lights, lights on dimmers, or candles the whole room looks better. EVERYONE looks better and younger in candlelight. Why do you think they are the preferred light to romance with.

To get THE BEST natural candles for your rooms be sure to visit my website, http://www.mymiabellacandle.scent-team.com/shop/home.php

Stephanie Blaker
For more information about the writer or the products in this post visit http://www.gourmetcandles4cash.com http://www.mymiabellacandle.scent-team.com http://gourmetcandles4cash@blogspot.com