Gourmet Scented Candles

Welcome to my business world of gourmet candles. I love burning scented candles as do most people. They offer a scent of familiar times, a sence of relaxation, and warmth. If you love candles you will love reading my blog.

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Location: Topeka, KS

Over 20 years in the direct selling industry doesn't make me an expert but I know that my experience shows leadership, skill and success.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Debt Free?

What does being debt free really mean? We as a society have never been taught to budget, we live in a day and age that everyone lives in debt in some form. Credit cards, Student Loans, vehicle payments, first, second and various home improvement loans. It is no wonder that our country is so in debt.

Just turn on the television these days and watch as some lady skips down the road with shopping bags on all arms, new dress, new shoes, and just about everything she is wearing and holding is paid for on DEBT.

Not only that but credit card companies strive to make their ads more and more over the top. How about the one ad that tells you to round up each purchase and have that money go into your savings. This is credit card debt, as you get pennies they get hundred of dollars more each month.

Not to mention that as we go deeper and deeper into debt, bankruptcy cases go up and up. And it is getting harder and harder to get those debts forgiven. Someone has to be held accountable for these campaigns to just go in and raise rates. If the government doesn't come in an cap this then I suspect that we will see more people loose everything, families distrot and displaced, and more and more foreclosures.

I have to comment on one add that is being aired right now that just hits me the wrong way. As my husband and I have paid off all our debt and begin to save for retirement we have learned that society doesn't like it when we pay cash. One commercial on right now is when a man is in line paying for a donut and everyone is paying with a credit card, and he gets looked at "as if he has done something wrong" when he chooses to pay in cash.
WOW! What a slap in the face to us Americans who value our debt free lifestyles.

Turn on the radio and listen to talk radio once in a while. Learn what credit card companies are doing to us. Think about that "What If" factor. What If I lost my only income? Could you survive? How would you pay all your bills? Have you ever totaled up your monthly spending? What dollar amount would you need in order to keep your necessities? If you don't know these answers you will get burnt. Doesn't matter, once in a lifetime you will experience devastation in some form. It could be bankruptcy? Death? But for many of us it is that we loose our "JOBS" and have no means to keep afloat. So stop right now and figure it up, don't wait till it is too late, have a plan.

I have been writing a book for the past month that steps you through a process of being debt free. I plan on releasing this book within the next month. I plan on making it so affordable that everyone no matter what their income level is can afford it. It will include forms and instructions on planning a household budget, setting up a savings for a "rainy day", college and retirement. This book will be easy to read, and not take a lot of your time. It will be worth every penny.

You can pre-order your book by contacting me here; gourmetcandles4cash@msn.com Email me your name, address, phone, number of copies, email address and once it is available for release I will notify you on the facts. (Cost and how to get your copy) These will be available before the holiday so that you can give them as a gift to a family member or friend. I ask that you spread the word on this book, because I am not going to advertise it wide spread. I like that word of mouth built my business to what it is today and I value that basis. So to get your copy, email me and I will reserve it in your name.

Thank you for stopping by and be sure to tell a friend.
Stephanie Blaker
"putting our scents to work for you"