Gourmet Scented Candles

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Over 20 years in the direct selling industry doesn't make me an expert but I know that my experience shows leadership, skill and success.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Liquidity Interview with Kathleen Levy

4/22/2008Interview with Kathleen Levy with Liquidity International

STEPHANIE: I would like to take this opportunity to introduce to you Kathleen Levy with Liquidity, International. Kathleen, welcome to the "Advertising Network" we are glad that you can take this time to speak to us about your personal story with Liquidity International as well as help us get acquainted with your products. Kathleen can you tell us about Liquidity and what it has to offer us?

KATHLEEN: Liquidity offers us Organic, Aloe Vera-Based Wellness, Weight Loss, Skin Care and Topicals. The Universal Wellness Trio Deluxe is engineered to provide the basic, foundational nutrition we need that is largely absent from our current soil. A Liquidity distributor can purchase this basic nutritional package at a below wholesale price every, single month. Our Aloe Vera Skin Care System features a Unique, Non-Surgical Face Life with patented QRX.

STEPHNANIE: Kathleen can you take a moment and tell my readers what brought you to the company? What is your "Why Story"?

KATHLEEN: I was first introduced to the Liquidity Aloe Vera Skin Care system while traveling, after forgetting to bring my old skin care products along. I loved it, immediately. Being a personal trainer, I was then compelled to investigate the Nutrition line. My husband and I both tried it. About 4 weeks went by before we realized why we were experiencing such increased feelings of well being. To say we were impressed would be an understatement. My increased level of energy and quick recovery from my workouts was phenomenal. During my first 15 years as an athlete, I had tried just about every ‘leading edge’ product out there purported to enhance my skills and my health. I began to share the products with other athletes at first and then with many clients who did the same. Within a year I had a strong sales team and an income stream that I never, ever dreamed could be mine.
Liquidity is a cream-of-the-crop line produced by a vertically integrated company, tied to a 15 year- successful manufacturing plant in Carrolton, Texas.
The Liquidity line was created from over 14,000 formulations gathered over many years. We have two new patients. One is for a long chain polysaccharide from the Aloe Vera plant, called MVM. (www.uspto.gov, patent# 6,482,942). One of Liquidity’s chemists extracted it, for the first time, using no heat or ethanol to weaken or destroy it. Liquidity also holds the patient on this process.
The other patient is for QRX, (patent#6,149,947), an element made from Red Oak Bark, with a huge research base for healing of skin tissue at the cellular level, especially when combined with Organic Aloe Vera.
All of these features, with vertical integration, make Liquidity’s highest quality products with price points that the competition can’t touch.

STEPHANIE: Kathleen, can you share with the readers your background as a professional athlete?

My adult life began as a young wife and mother. My professional life began in Clinical Social Work. The first half of my career focused on children and the second more on adults, especially women’s health. I became a Personal Trainer, when I realized that anxiety and depression, especially, tended to respond best to bio-feedback, exercise and good nutrition.
When my mother was diagnosed with cancer, I became a Clinical Exercise Specialist to learn how to work with people who were living with chronic diseases and disabilities.
Some years later, after teaching Yoga for over 30 years, I discovered Pilates, embarked on a 4 year course of study and became a Certified Pilates Instructor with my own studio and company called A Healing Place: Life Coaching for Body, Mind and Spirit.
Over the years, I have come to believe in the ability of our minds and our bodies to heal themselves given the right nutritional support and life style. How to reach an optimum state of health and lead a balanced life is what I teach. I use a holistic approach. STEPHANIE: This is all very fascinating Kathleen and I think you have really given my readers something to consider. Can you share with us a moment in your business that you have been touched by a customer who needed your services and the outcome of that story? KATHLEEN: One day a lady came into my studio and revealed that she was diabetic and wanted to avoid becoming insulin dependent. Her blood sugar levels were very high. She reported a high level of stress, working too much and sleeping too little. She began taking the Universal Wellness Trio Deluxe, and I started her on a walking program. I could not help but note that we were born the same year even though she looked and seemed a good 15 years older than me. She expressed similar amazement. Her physician agreed to let her give these new life style changes a chance and hold off on the insulin for a month.
My client came back from her next check up with a big smile. She had dogged the insulin bullet and 3 months later, her A1C was half a point away from normal. She reported sleeping through the night for the first time in years and loved her walks in the park. She was also able to bring her nutritional habits under control.
I watched her go from a depressed, hopeless-feeling, overweight woman, who looked significantly older than her stated age, to an animated, glowing, slender, energetic and healthy women in only about 90 days. I think it was the most responsive clinical result I have ever seen and it made my heart sing right along with hers!I have many happy success stories!

STEPHANIE: That is truly amazing Kathleen and thank you for sharing that story with us so that we can come to understand how you truly bond with your clients and help them with your products and specialized training. Thank you very much for your time, and the personal and inspirational stories you have shared with us today. For those of you who are wanting more information about Liquidity International and the products they offer be sure to contact Kathleen at;
Email: KathleenHLevy@aol.com
Website Link: www.AHealingPlace.bizPhone:
Pilates Studio-785-221-5607, Clinical Office- 785-273-3496Other:
Liquidity Store: www.liquidity.myvoffice.com/AHealingPlace

Thank you all for joining us today and we look forward to your questions and comments. If I can help your business grow in anyway please be sure to contact me. Be sure to visit our "Advertising Network" on our website and check back to hear more from Kathleen as she grows her business as well as other advertisers.

Stephanie Blaker
WEBSITE: Http://www.GourmetCandles4Cash.com - Register for FREE CANDLES!! Shop online 24/7!
EMAIL: GourmetCandles4Cash@msn.com Adertising Network is a networking referral system made of business's that I have personally used and or am working with. For more information on joining the Advertising Network please contact us at; GourmetCandles4Cash@msn.com.